Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Propogating Succulents Part 2

Hey! Remember when I said it takes a few days to several weeks for your succulent leaves to grow roots? Well, here's an update on the leaves I set on the windowsill clear back in April. 

This is the original leaf I took a photo of and is pictured on the other blog. It took a whole month of sunshine for roots and a new baby succulent to start growing. Granted, I live in Iowa and we didn't exactly have a normal month of April. It was rather cold and snowy, warmed up for a few days, then Mother Nature decided to have fun with us and give us some more snow! The first part of May was underway and she decided to give some parts up north 15 inches of snow!! What a cruel joke! Anyway, this process, like with other growing plants, takes longer in cool/cold weather and speeds up during warmer months. Below are other succulent leaves I placed on the windowsill at the same time. As you can see, 2 sprouted roots/plants, one shriveled up and died, while the last two have yet to produce any roots.


Happy crafting!

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